Sponsor Social Media Ads

With highly targeted social media advertising, we have the ability to put out our welcome mat to the people who are most likely to desire our help—that is, people who have certain felt needs…

…certain interests surrounding their particular affliction for example. Some already know they are demonized and are looking for help, but many others don’t know they are demonized—they just know they are afflicted, perhaps with suicide or deep depression or fear or anxiety or seizures or blindness or any number of sicknesses—sicknesses that can have a demonic cause rather than a natural cause.

Essentially, social media ads help make it possible for those who would want our help, to find us.

With your donation, you get to put out our welcome mat strategically and boldly using Facebook, Youtube and other popular platforms. With your donation, you are connecting the lost and afflicted to experience the great healer and savior, Jesus Christ in a very tangible way!

Help Us Set Out Welcome Mats for the Afflicted

Service Disclaimer: This is a prayer and wisdom service. We are neither psychological nor medical professionals. We do not charge for our time. We encourage the proper use of food, medication, and medical care from qualified practitioners. We make no guarantees regarding an individual's physical health, psychological well-being, or financial position. Use of FreedomTimeInternational.com is subject to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.


Freedom Time International, 35161 Spencer Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V3G 2E3, Canada