Do you feel like you’ve been stuck in the same old gear in your Christianity for far too long?
Do you want freedom to start moving up through the gears on a crazy growth curve, living consciously in the spirit realm with all the vitality, power, love, wisdom and abundant life Christ intended? Do you want to completely re-size your view of God with BIG AWE of God that transforms every part of your life?
Welcome to the 3-day SPIRITUAL DETOX
This is your opportunity to get ‘naked’ (Heb 4:11-13) before God, asking Him to shine His white bright light into your life, illuminating every nook and cranny, asking Him to show you absolutely everything in your life that is untoward Him, agreeing with Him about it all, calling sin sin, and turning from it for a whole new level of spiritual freedom and vitality!
The Result? Freedom to Thrive!
For example, one person reported feeling like a marathon runner who was freed of a thirty-pound load he didn’t even know he was carrying.
Typically, the words of the Bible will come alive and fly off the page at you with new understanding as if you had never read the book before. You’ll become spiritually awakened, invigorated, and conscious of the spirit realm. The fruit of the Holy Spirit will blossom. The supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit will rise in power along with your faith. Your prayer life will come alive. You’ll resize your view of God and He’ll start to blow your mind with His size—the size of His love, the size of His power, His beauty, His goodness, and His real-time involvement, all attracting you to love and trust Him more than ever. You’ll become a powerful warrior in the Kingdom of God—not in some religious kingdom, but in God’s Kingdom of spirits which is at war with Satan’s Kingdom of spirits!
In short, you’ll wake up to the spiritual universe we live in with angels and demons and the Holy Spirit, and you’ll wake up to the joy of a whole new level of life and wisdom you hadn’t thought possible. Results vary primarily according to the humility and desperateness and hunger a person has for change and intimacy with God!
To Dramatically Enhance Your Results, the SPIRITUAL DETOX Combines:
- a three day Daniel fast
- a simple system with our powerful SPIRITUAL DETOX tools
- an experienced Freedom Leader and at least one Freedom Helper to help with discernment, prayer, deliverance and wisdom
- three days of prayer-cover from our international prAIRFORCE during your fast.
A three-day Daniel fast is recommended, provided you have no medical condition to suggest otherwise. Water or juice fasts are also ideal. The Daniel fast consists of eating only fruits, vegetables, grains, rice, and beans. Refrain from meats, sweets, treats, eggs, dairy products and drinks with caffeine or alcohol. Be aware of speaking negative words and keep distractions, like useless screen time, to a minimum. You begin the fast three days prior to your SPIRITUAL DETOX appointment.
The Daily Activities of the 3-day SPIRITUAL DETOX:
- Stir up BIG AWE of God using our inspirational tools to launch a time of worship.
- Launch into prayer using Freedom Time’s Prayer Launch Pads.
- Use the powerful SPIRITUAL DETOX tools we email you, asking the Holy Spirit to bring to mind anything and everything that needs to be confessed or addressed.
- Read or listen to Proverbs at least 30 minutes/day and ask God, “What is your message to me?”
- Memorize 1 Cor 15:57
In Summary, Just 4 Simple Steps to this Life Changing Event!
1. An introductory appointment
2. Receive the detox tools by email
3. Three days of intentional ‘nakedness’ before God to detox (Heb 4:11-13)
4. The detox appointment with Freedom Leader and Helper on the 3rd day of the fast
We are excited for your future and honored to facilitate this transformational event in your life! Just fill out the form below to get started and expect an email from us immediately. We look forward to meeting you at your introductory appointment soon.
Personal details of SPIRITUAL DETOX Appointments are kept confidential. We look forward to talking to you soon!
This is a free service made possible by those who know its importance and value. If you find it helpful, we encourage you to pay it forward with a love offering to Freedom Time International, helping us to help others.
Not from here?
Don’t worry. We do appointments locally in Abbotsford, BC, Canada, or online via video conferencing. We also consider travel options on a case by case basis.
Service Disclaimer: This is a prayer and wisdom service. We are neither psychological nor medical professionals. We do not charge for our time. We encourage the proper use of food, medication, and medical care from qualified practitioners. We make no guarantees regarding an individual's physical health, psychological well-being, or financial position. Use of FreedomTimeInternational.com is subject to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Freedom Time International, 35161 Spencer Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V3G 2E3, Canada