“I grew up wondering why we don’t cast out demons anymore. Later, I realized we do—but very few people know about it, and so many need help!”

Lyndell Enns
Lyndell Enns Freedom Time International

Freedom Time International is changing that.

Compassion Of Jesus

Power Of God's Kingdom

We’ve been missing an enormous opportunity to help the sick and the hurting, showing two things; the tangible compassion of Jesus and the power of God’s kingdom. Those are two things that Jesus and his followers displayed over and over—two things that opened the eyes and ears of their listeners to the spirit realm and the kingdom of God.

It’s hard to ignore the spirit realm after you’ve had a demon cast out. It’s even harder to ignore Jesus when He’s the only one who trounces demons!

Today we have a world of hurting people with the same demons, the same problems, the same spiritual blindness, the same desire for healing and wholeness, and the same need for Jesus. Freedom Time International is helping them.

Come Join Us

Join Our International prAIRFORCE Supplying Real-time Prayer Cover

Imagine going to war today without an air force. Not a good plan! Our international prAIRFORCE supplies the prayer cover that is of paramount importance to this ministry’s success…


Be Trained and Mentored to Become a Freedom Leader

Freedom Leaders are specially trained and experienced people, empowered by Jesus Christ to effectively discern demons, cast out demons, and mentor people to true freedom in the Way, the Truth and the Life…


Help Us Set Out Welcome Mats for the Afflicted

With highly targeted social media advertising, we have the ability to put out our welcome mat to the people who are most likely to desire our help—that is, people who have certain felt needs…


Invite Us to Speak at Your Event or a Seminar

Whether it’s about Demon Basics, Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, the Spiritual Detox, Nurturing BIG Awe for God, Increasing Faith and Wisdom, Baptism, Proverbs, Living Consciously in the Spirit Realm…


Tell Others About Freedom Time International

Good news travels fast! Here are some helpful tools as you tell others about Freedom Time International!


Donate Financially to Make it all Happen

Money doesn’t cast out demons, but it sure helps train and feed those who do! Thanks for helping the sick and afflicted. Thanks for drawing them to Jesus.


Whatever your role with us, our heart for you is that your awe of God explodes, propelling wisdom and love and every other good thing in your life, and that you live more and more consciously in the spirit realm enabling great faith and new effectiveness in God’s Kingdom!

We are committed to inspiring this in the lives of all who join us. Here is our prayer for you!

Service Disclaimer: This is a prayer and wisdom service. We are neither psychological nor medical professionals. We do not charge for our time. We encourage the proper use of food, medication, and medical care from qualified practitioners. We make no guarantees regarding an individual's physical health, psychological well-being, or financial position. Use of FreedomTimeInternational.com is subject to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.


Freedom Time International, 35161 Spencer Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V3G 2E3, Canada