How big is the universe?

What does science reveal about the beginning? What does science reveal about God or Jesus?

Get wowed! Get BIG AWE.

An Astonishing Trip from Italy to the Edge of the Known Universe

Get ready to feel really, really tiny!

Cosmic Voyage IMAX HD

A Sense of Awe from Nature – It’s Beauty, It’s Complexity, It’s Wonder.

Science reveals our origin!

Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross Introducing The Creator and the Cosmos

50 Billion Trillion Stars

The universe is astronomically fine-tuned for life to be possible.

Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross on 700 Club

How Big is the Universe Compared to a Grain of Sand?

There’s no way a human mind can grasp the immensity of the universe.

Astronomer Dr. Pete Edwards

Journey Toward Creation

Rewinding time to the big bang of creation.

Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross

Dice, Chance, and You in the Universe

How dice can show that God exists.

Justin Brierley of Unbelievable?

How Large is the Universe?

The whole universe is to the observable universe, as the observable universe is to an atom!

Thomas Lucas 2012

God Of Wonders

A breath-taking journey through nature where power, wisdom and majesty abound.

Eternal Productions

The How Great is Our God Tour

Let your view of God be completely re-sized all over again!

Louis Giglio

Music Video How Great is Our God

Meditate and worship in awe of the King of greatness.

Chris Tomlin

**Get Astonished in Awe of God

Re-size your view of God 10X. Now do that daily, and it’s still too small!

Corey Russel (Lyndell Enns’s favorite message of all time)

Proverbs in Four Translations

Wisdom is the wisest thing you can get. It’s the DNA of the tri-universe. You just hit the gold mine! PROVERBS!

(Try also, the NLT audio version at YouVersion below!)

The Bible in 900 Languages

Read or listen on your phone, tablet or computer.

YouVersion (We recommend NLT Audio, ESV, KJV and AMP among others)

Cosmic Reasons to Believe in Christ

How science of the cosmos gives us reasons to believe in Jesus Christ

Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross Conference Weekend

Wayne Gretzky is called the great one.

Einstein was a great one.

Michelangelo was a great one too.

But when we try and grasp the size and scope of creation, we are astonished in awe by The Greatest One! We gasp in awe of the One who MADE the great ones!

Big, wisdom begins with BIG AWE of God.

BIG AWE of God is revolutionary. It’s life changing. It’s foundational. It’s fun, and it's amazing!

From this beginning point of wow and discovery explodes truth about God, and respect for Him, and worship, and trust, and love of God and every other good thing that comes from knowing the Creator and the wisdom of His tri-universe!

Of course, satan would rather we be religious and spiritually blind. It’s so easy to live small, earthbound lives with little more than a dim, distant, intellectual view of god—a religious prop with little relevance…and with this small view of God, to miss the whole spirit realm.

That's why satan would hate for you to stop daily for thirty minutes to get wowed with the real Person of God…to get to know the real Spirit behind creation…to 10x your view of God! Satan knows the heavens proclaim the glory of God and the sky displays His craftsmanship! The last thing he wants is for you to notice, and get BIG AWE of God.

Yet, Proverbs says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.”  The word translated fear means awe and respect. The awe and respect of God is literally the foundation of true wisdom, and wisdom is the wisest thing you can get! It brings true success.

True success is like a three-legged table…take one leg away and it falls over. But God’s wisdom enables your ultimate success in all three aspects—body, soul and spirit—within the physical universe, social universe, and spiritual universe!

Such wisdom begins with BIG AWE of God. Why? Because He’s the very Source of wisdom...the Designer. He’s the very One who wrote the DNA that governs the physical universe, the social universe, and the spiritual universe! Wisdom is the DNA of the tri-universe!

BIG AWE of God is the beginning of big wisdom. Big wisdom gets you in sync with THE GREATEST ONE. Being in sync with Him gets you in sync with His tri-universe and His Kingdom!

The 30-Day BIG AWE Challenge

Would you like to join others in the 30-day BIG AWE challenge?

Stir up BIG AWE of God 30 minutes a day, 30 days in a row, to revolutionize your life and create a powerful life changing habit! The inspirational resources on this page will help blow your mind and totally resize your view of God.

When we pause every day to look at creation or Scripture to stir up our awe of Godour view of God gets resized daily. Big wisdom starts with BIG AWE of God!

Light Seconds, Light Years, Light Centuries

How to measure extreme distances

Yuan-Sen Ting

Powers of Ten Through Space

Flying through space from Chicago

Charles and Ray Eames

Genesis Creation Days & Science

God’s book of nature vs. God’s book of Scripture

Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross

300,000 more Galaxies Just Discovered!

Using Low Frequency Array Radio (LOFAR)

The Weather Network


Indescribable Tour

Louie Giglio

Is the Universe Infinite?

A mind-bending eye-opening view of the universe

Thomas Lucas 2010

The Movie of Matthew

A movie of the biblical book of Matthew word for word

The Visual Bible by GNN and Visual International

Are you wowed by other really great resources that stir up your awe of God? Contact us to suggest them for this page!

*Note: These powerful resources are offered to stir up a mind-blowing BIG AWE of God. Not every opinion in these resources is the opinion of Freedom Time International.

Service Disclaimer: This is a prayer and wisdom service. We are neither psychological nor medical professionals. We do not charge for our time. We encourage the proper use of food, medication, and medical care from qualified practitioners. We make no guarantees regarding an individual's physical health, psychological well-being, or financial position. Use of is subject to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.


Freedom Time International, 35161 Spencer Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V3G 2E3, Canada